Our Members


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The Local Action Group (LAG) is what makes The Heart of Wessex special. Anyone who lives or works in the area can become a LAG Forum member, get involved with shaping the direction of the funding Programme and have a fair and equitable say in which projects receive funding support. The Heart of Wessex is truly led by you, and your community.

Put simply, without people like you there is no LAG! So if you would like to get involved in any way, would like to become a LAG Forum member or just want to find out a bit more about what it is that the LAG does, please do get in touch with our Programme Management Team Contact Us.

You can find our LAG Timetable here – it includes all the LAG Forum and Executive Committee meeting dates and project application submission deadlines, so you won’t miss a thing!

All LAG Forum and LAG Executive meeting minutes

LAG Forum Minutes

LAG Executive Committee Minutes